Oxyfresh - 3 Ways to Solve Kitten Bad Breath

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide: 3 Ways to Solve Kitten Bad Breath

Squeaky toys? Check. Litter box? Check. The know-how to fix kitten bad breath? Hmm.

When you adopted that adorable ball of fur, the one thing you weren’t counting on was bad breath. If you’re puzzled by your kitten’s stinky breath, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading for 3 ways to get rid of your kitten’s bad breath.

Why Does My Kitten Have Bad Breath?

Kitten bad breath (halitosis) is most often caused by plaque buildup – that’s the sticky, filmy stuff on the teeth that’s loaded with bacteria.

The bacteria release Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs), odorous molecules that give off that stinky smell whenever your kitten yawns or sneaks in for a snuggle.

Other less common causes of kitten bad breath include teething, diabetes (which gives the breath a fruity smell), poor diet, or a medical problem of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidneys.

If your kitten has any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your vet:

  • Excessive brownish tartar on the teeth
  • Vomiting
  • Change in appetite
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Breath that smells like urine (a sign of kidney disease)

Kitten Bad Breath: Is It a Big Deal?

While your kitten’s breath isn’t supposed to smell like a bouquet of roses, it definitely shouldn’t smell bad. A mild fishy scent is normal. Anything stronger than that is not.

If your kitten’s bad breath is caused by plaque buildup, letting the problem go unchecked can lead to periodontal disease. This is a serious and painful dental condition that affects 70 percent of cats by the age of 3.

Periodontal disease occurs when plaque hardens into tartar. This rock-hard substance (that’s loaded with bacteria) can cause the teeth to pull away from the gum line, leading to inflammation, infection, tooth loss and bad kitten breath.

When bacteria from the mouth enter into the bloodstream, it can affect your cat’s vital organs and even take years off your cat’s life. That’s why starting an oral hygiene routine as a kitten is so important. It gives your kitten the best shot at a healthy, happy and LONG life.

Can You Brush Your Cat’s Teeth?

Just like with us mere humans, tooth brushing is a great way to remove plaque and keep your cat breath fresh. It’s best to start when they’re young so that they won’t fight you on the matter.

Tips to make kitten tooth brushing easy:

  • Get your kitten used to having its mouth handled by dipping your finger in tuna juice or chicken broth, then rubbing it around your kitten’s teeth and gums.
  • To make brushing comfy for your kitty, purchase a finger brush or simply wrap a piece of clean gauze around your finger. (Regular pet toothbrushes can be too bulky.) For toothpaste, don’t use your own, as it can make your kitten sick. Here’s one we love for fixing bad kitty breath.
  • Pick a time to brush when your kitten’s worn out.
  • Don’t overly restrain your kitten. Cradle your kitten in your arms and then gently lift up the lips.
  • Take it slow. Aim for mini-brush sessions and gradually work your way up.
  • Give a treat afterwards so your cat always has a positive association with tooth brushing.

Brushing your kitten’s teeth will take time and commitment on your part. If brushing just isn’t for you, don’t sweat it. You can add a pet water additive to your kitten’s water that will do the same job as tooth brushing but with none of the hassle!

3 Ways to Fix Kitten Bad Breath … Without Brushing!

1. Feed a High-Quality Food

A poor diet is often to blame for kitten bad breath. But we get it. Navigating through the mountain of kitten food options at the store can be overwhelming. Here’s a few “best practices” when it comes to choosing a kitten food.

Kitten-formulated: Kittens have a higher requirement for protein and certain vitamins and minerals versus adult cats. That’s why it’s important to buy a specially formulated kitten food and avoid cat foods that claim they’re appropriate for cats at all life stages.

Look at the label: It should have the following language: “Meets the nutritional requirements of kittens established by the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).”

Don’t just do dry: Kittens have small teeth and can’t chew dry food very well. Without some canned food, your kitten won’t get the nutrition to grow properly.

Beware of homemade diets: Despite the owners’ best intentions, many kittens that are given homemade diets are lacking in calcium, which can lead to a mineral imbalance.

2. Raw Bones

If you can give your kitten a raw bone without it getting all over the carpet, this is a great option for removing plaque. Raw chicken necks are a good size for cats to chew on. Important: never give cooked bones to your cat, as they can splinter and become lodged in the intestines.

3. Just Add to Water! Introducing the Best Kitten Bad Breath Remedy…

To freshen your kitten’s breath without the hassle of tooth brushing, add vet-recommended Oxyfresh Pet Dental Water Additive to your kitten’s daily routine.

This no-brush, no-fuss water additive goes straight into your kitten’s water bowl to fight plaque and remedy your kitten’s bad breath. No harsh chemicals and completely safe and gentle.

How does Oxyfresh Pet Water Additive work to cure your kitten’s bad breath? It puts the power of Oxygene® to use.

Oxygene® is a safe, non-toxic ingredient that oxidizes Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs) into sulfite ions (non-stinky). Oxygene® works on contact, making it a quick, convenient kitten bad breath remedy.

Oxygene® also helps prevent plaque buildup, so your kitten can avoid periodontal disease and have a healthier mouth.

Kiss Your Kitten’s Bad Breath Good-bye (While Saving Time & Money)

Long-lasting Pet Water Additive is the easiest and quickest way to give your kitten a healthy mouth and fresh breath. 10 seconds a day is all it takes! Just add 1 capful of solution into your kitten’s water bowl. Done!

By taking care of your kitten’s mouth now, you’ll save money on vet bills in the future. Here’s why: once plaque hardens into rock-hard tartar, the only way to remove it is through a professional dental cleaning.

Pet Water Additive for Kitten Bad Breath

  • Easy to use: Just add 1 capful into your kitten’s water bowl each day
  • USA-made, non-toxic and vet-recommended for 30 years
  • Neutralizes bad breath and discourages plaque buildup
  • 64 servings in a 16 oz. bottle
  • Tasteless and odorless: your smart little kitten won’t even know it’s in there

Ready to Give Your Kitten the Gift of a Healthy Mouth?

Besides your cuddling superpowers, adopting a daily oral hygiene routine is the best way to help your kitten live a long, happy and healthy life.

So get Oxyfresh Pet Water Additive today. With our 100% money-back guarantee, the only thing you have to lose … is bad kitten breath!

>> Get the 10-Second Solution to Wipe Out Kitten Bad Breath. Order Pet Water Additive Now.


oxyfresh pet water additive for fresh pet breath

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Meet the Author

Melissa Gulbranson is the President of Oxyfresh. A recipient of the Pet Age's "Women of Influence" Award, she’s passionate about educating pet parents in ways that really resonate with them. Melissa loves days on the lake and hiking with her fur kid, Parker, and husband, Doug. Parker (a total ham) can be spotted running laps through the office each morning, greeting every team member. You can find Parker near the treats, and Melissa on Linkedin.